Overcome FEAR of SUCCESS, What if I make it?!

I was talking to one of my clients yesterday who is a professional in the financial industry and he's starting a new Venture in that same industry that could potentially make him very wealthy and successful. His problem is that he's not taking the necessary actions. Honestly, his idea is a brilliant idea that could be a potentially million-dollar idea. He is not taking the necessary actions and we were focusing on this challenge in our coaching session, yesterday.

When I started asking questions, we both realized that he has this belief that: “if eventually this idea works out, he will not be happy with the result!” He explained that he thought if he eventually becomes wealthy and successful, that would be painful because some people might want to kidnap his kids, he will lose a lot of his friends because they don't want to hang out with that wealthy guy and somehow, his life will be jinxed and that fear I could say “the fear of success” was paralyzing him and was blocking him from moving forward and going after that dream. When I ask even more questions, we both realized that this mental block has resulted from a deeply held belief that he had inherited within his family. Actually, he had gone that deeply held beliefs are being wealthy and successful is really painful from his father.

His father actually is a kind of “religious” man who thinks too much money is evil. Not all religious people think that maybe, but this particular gentleman thinks that too much money is evil and this has become kind of a value, a deeply held belief that runs in the family and my client had got that from his dad and no wonder he's stuck in his place because he thinks that if he eventually gets wealthy and successful, too much money will be painful too much money will be evil. It will bring a lot of bad things into his life and sub consciously or unconsciously that is preventing him from moving forward. Obviously as a professional coach, I use my strategies and tactics to help him challenge his deeply held belief and to replace it with a more empowering one.

Now the point I'm trying to make here is that: “A lot of you are stuck not necessarily because of fear of failure, it’s not because you think: what if I fail?! Sometimes it's because of the fear of success.” It's actually because you think what if I succeed and what if I become wealthy and deep down in your belief system, you might think that success is not for me, success is bad and success is painful. Too much money is evil and if that's you, you need to challenge that belief and replace it with a more empowering thought. For example, you may challenge that belief and think to yourself What if I succeed become wealthy and be able to provide for myself, for my family for my community and help a lot of people in my state sitting country and around the world? RIGHT?! Too much money is not necessarily evil. It could be a force for good. Money has the meaning that you assigned to it. Now, when you challenge that limiting belief and replace it with a more empowering one, obviously, you're relieving and releasing yourself from that mental block and you can find the passion and the drive again to go for that dream and make your goals.

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