Gain Back Your Momentum: Measure Progress

Achieving success is a long game. Along the way, there will be troubles and tribulations. Sometimes you lose your momentum, and sometimes your motivation goes down.

One of the best ways to get out of the rut is to regularly measure your progress. Let’s say you’ve been posting on social media for a while, but you’ve lost your momentum and motivation because you’re not seeing those big spikes and great followership. What can you do about it?

If you, let’s say, every single week, sit down and take a hard honest look at your performance, you will see objectively if things are truly going right or wrong. For example, sometimes when you look at the numbers (your KPIs: key performance indicators), you may see that you are actually making progress. Even though there are not those spikes in the performance reports, you will see that you are  actually getting more followers slowly but steadily. You will understand that you're not doing badly, and that your effort is paying off. 

But sometimes that’s not the case. When you look at the numbers, the results aren’t just there. Something is wrong. And if you take that hard honest look at the numbers, you will see that things need to be changed. At this stage, you will need to analyze the results and make the changes that you need. This way you will know, even if the results aren’t there right now, you can make the necessary changes that will bring about your desired results.

So, one of the best ways to gain back your momentum is to regularly measure your progress. You will see for yourself what is going right and what is going wrong. You will clearly realize what are the things on you schedule that you need to be doing more of, and what are the things on your schedule that you need to be doing less of.


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