Affirmations Don't Work?

Personal development gurus tell you to repeat positive affirmations on a daily basis. Affirmations like: "Every day, in every way, my life is improving for the better!" REALLY?! Do you REALLY believe that this stuff works?! Let me tell you this: research and positive psychology has shown us that unrealistic optimism can not only increase your chances of getting depressed, but also decrease your chances of finding success!

Let me tell you why:

Number ONE: When you have irrational optimism, you won't take the necessary steps in order to achieve success!

Number TWO: You will take on hugely irrational risks like somebody who is wasting their money at the casino just hoping for the events to turn!

And number THREE: You will take on irrational goals. You might weigh only 50 kilograms at this moment, but you want to be the heavyweight boxing champion within three months just because you are optimistic!

Now, if you are tired of wasting time, money, and energy on baseless random self-help advise, and you want to start learning proven science-backed extremely practical strategies to improve your performance and impact, Follow me, Shahab Anari, on social media!


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